Kyudo retreat @ NY 2023 Spring.

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[Harvard Website]


Hi, I am a Ph.D. student at Harvard-MGB AIM, advised by Hugo Aerts Ph.D. and Danielle S. Bitterman MD. I am affiliated with Boston Children's Hospital Computational Health Informatics Program (CHIP) and we fortunately work closely with Guergana Savova Ph.D. and Tim Miller Ph.D.

My research interests are Natural Language Processing (NLP), with a focus on clinical translational studies, and bias/safety measures in generative models.

During COVID-19, I graduated with M.S. in Computational Linguistics from Brandeis University, where I was fortunate to be advised by Professor Nianwen Xue Ph.D. where I fully explored my interests and met many wonderful people and friends.

Before Brandeis, I spent 4 years as an undergraduate in Math, Japanese and Linguistics at St. Olaf College, really enjoyed my liberal arts education, click here if you want to learn more about my undergrad I'm a button.

During my free time, I do dragonboat, kyudo and play basketball! Hit me with random historical facts!

Don't hesitate to email me if want to collaborate or just want to chat!


Selected Publications

(* indicate equal contribution)

🐰 RABBITS: Language Models are Surprisingly Fragile to Drug Names in Biomedical Benchmarks
*Jack Gallifant, *Shan Chen, Pedro Moreira, ... Leo Anthony Celi, Thomas Hartvigsen, and Danielle S. Bitterman
Under Review
[πŸ€—] [Tweet] [arXiv]

Cross-Care: Assessing the Healthcare Implications of Pre-training Data on Language Model Bias
*Shan Chen, *Jack Gallifant, Mingye Gao, Pedro Moreira, ... Leo Anthony Celi, William G. La Cava, and Danielle S. Bitterman
Under Review
[Website] [Code] [Data]

LCD Benchmark: Long Clinical Document Benchmark on Mortality Prediction for Language Models
Wonjin Yoon, Shan Chen, ... Danielle S. Bitterman, Majid Afshar, and Timothy Miller
Under Review
[medrXiv] [Code] [Coda Bench]

OncQA: The impact of using an AI chatbot to respond to patient questions
Shan Chen, Marco Guevara ... Hugo Aerts, Timothy Miller, Guergana Savova, Raymond Mak, Majid Afshar, and Danielle S. Bitterman
Lancet Digital Health
[arXiv] [Code] [πŸ€—] [Article]

Measuring Pointwise V-Usable Information In-Context-ly
Sheng Lu, Shan Chen, Yingya Li, Danielle S. Bitterman, Guergana Savova, and Iryna Gurevych
EMNLP 2023
[EMNLP] [Code] [Tweet] [Tutorial]

Large Language Models to Identify Social Determinants of Health in Electronic Health Records
*Marco Guevara, *Shan Chen, Spencer Thomas ... Hugo Aerts, Guergana Savova, Raymond Mak, and Danielle S. Bitterman
Nature Digital Medicine
[Dataset] [arXiv] [Code] [πŸ€—]

Use of Artificial Intelligence Chatbots for Cancer Treatment Information
Shan Chen, Benjamin Kann, Michael Foote, Hugo Aerts, Guergana Savova, Raymond Mak and Danielle S. Bitterman
[arXiv] [Code] [Data] [Article] [News]
Editorial by Atul J. Butte, MD, PhD! [JAMA]
News covereage by Bloomberg, NBC and many others about this work! [News]

Evaluation of ChatGPT Family of Models for Biomedical Reasoning and Classification
*Shan Chen, *Yingya Li, Sheng Lu, Hoang Van, Hugo Aerts, Guergana Savova, and Danielle S. Bitterman
[JAMIA] [arXiv] [Code]

Natural language processing to automatically extract the presence and severity of esophagitis in notes of patients undergoing radiotherapy
Shan Chen, Marco Guevara, Nicolas Ramirez ... Hugo Aerts, Tim Miller, Guergana Savova, Raymond Mak, and Danielle S. Bitterman
[ASTRO] [Paper] [arXiv] [Code]
Oral Presentation @ ASTRO 2023 < 9%

Medications detection in tweets using transformer networks and multi-task learning
Dongfang Xu, Shan Chen, and Tim Miller
Proceedings of the BioCreative VII Challenge 2021
[Paper] [Code]
First place!!!

Selected Honors

Invited Talks
